Episode 21 – Featuring Bob Burns

This week we welcome Bob Burns

Bob Burns

Adam has a funny new competition and discusses how to break wind in an Ericksonian style! – Hypnosis in the news includes a story that highlights the chasm that exists between public perception of hypnosis and what it actually is – The professional discussion explores Bob Burns’s successful work using his innovative ‘Swan’ technique in therapy – The fact of the week refers to claims made about efficacy rates for hypnosis and stopping smoking.

References from this week’s episode:

11 comments on “Episode 21 – Featuring Bob Burns
  1. Keith Watson says:

    It is great to hear Bob say that his work with pain was really important. What an amazing opportunity it is for hypnotherapists to get to grips with something as important as pain. Having watched many demonstrations of hypnotic phenomena it is still the control of pain that is the most convincing.

  2. I am a hypnocoach myself, I learned to work with the Swan by Bob himself when I visited a seminar. Since that I work with them and even use them successfully for myself. I really think it is a MUST HAVE for every hypnotist, for sure !

  3. Richard Ingate says:

    Excellent, and brings to mind the comment you make about James Braid, ‘good scottish common sense’!

  4. bob burns says:

    That’s true, Richard, I am a huge Braid fan. But of course I am based in Montrose, the home of another great Scot: James Esdaile, who was the first person who got me interested in the taking away of pain through hypnosis. I found his work truly fascinating. At times it seems almost a pity that (modern day)anaesthesia was discovered.
    Whose to say what might have happened if it all stayed within the realms of hypnosis? 🙂

  5. Mikhail says:

    Dear Adam,

    I would like to thank you for the great efforts in promoting hypnosis and hypnotherapy. I very much enjoy your podcast interviews with the brilliant hypnotists with so different background, approaches, skills and vision!

    It was great pleasure to listen very interesting conversation with Bob Burnes, fascinating discussion with Larry and Cheryl Elman, inspiring interview with Anthony Jacquin, and many, many others.
    Besides that I would like to note that your evidence-based approach in hypnosis brings much value to the profession.

    Practicing hypnotherapy and EMDR in Russia I also interested in scientifically proven methods and approaches to serve the needs of my clients. You see that often there is a “smoke on the water” with regards to hypnosis and hypnotherapy. Mystics and sensations may accompany these areas.

    Historically Russian and Soviet hypnotic school used to be very professional and prominent. Starting from works of Pavlov, Bekhterev it continued with such names like Platonov, Bul, Grimak etc. In their works you may find number of proven examples how hypnosis can be used in therapy, including mental, somatic (skin, gastric, etc), behavior disorders as well as examples of various physiological responses to suggestions.

    Although I am not a regular visitor of your hypnotic hub, I enjoy read the posts published there and appreciate the networking opportunity.

    Stay in touch!

    Best regards,


    • Adam Eason says:

      Great to hear from you Mikhail,

      I have spent many hours reading the work of Russian and Soviet hypnosis, in particular the work of Platonov who compliments the field of cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy well. The book ‘The Word as a Physiological and Therapeutic Factor’ is a proud feature of my bookcase 🙂

      Thanks for your feedback, I hope our paths cross some more in the future, have a wonderful day, I send you my very best wishes, Adam.

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